Labeling Procedures
⦁ All samples MUST be labelled or bar-coded and an Excel sheet provided that lists all samples being submitted for MS analysis.
⦁ Labels must be placed on both the lids and sides of the tubes, with water resistant markers or bar code tags.
⦁ The labelling nomenclature should be unique to each sample and contain the Principal Investigator (PI) initials (two letters), (underscore),
submitter student's initials (two letters) (underscore) followed by a 4 digit ID number. For instance, the 39th sample being submitted by
user Arya Stark whose PI is John Snow would be labelled JS_AS_0039.
⦁ To prevent loss of sample tubes, all tubes MUST be in a Microtube Storage Box.
⦁ All Storage boxes MUST have a tag in the lid containing all important information about samples. A suggested format is shown below:
Yeast Metabolome
John Snow
Arya Stark
Sample Type:
Yeast Cell Pellet
Collected Date:
Delivered Date:
Untargeted MS metabolomics
Samples defrosted 1x
Note: All submitted samples must come with an Excel sheet that gives details on samples being submitted.
If a sheet is not provided, the submitted samples will be placed in cold storage until such a sheet is provided.