Suggested Solutions for Metabolomics
⦁ All solutions must be freshly prepared.
⦁ Make enough solution for all samples.
⦁ All reagents must be at least HPLC grade. For more information, consult the
recommended materials.
⦁ Extraction solution A = 100% Methanol containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.
⦁ Extraction solution B = 0.1% Formic Acid in Water (LC-MS grade) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.
⦁ Extraction solution C = Methanol/Water (1:1) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.
⦁ Extraction solution D = Dichloromethane/methanol (3:1) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.
⦁ Extraction solution E = Chloroform/Methanol/Water (1:3:1 ratio) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.
⦁ Extraction solution F = 80% Methanol containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.