Suggested Solutions for Metabolomics

All solutions must be freshly prepared.

Make enough solution for all samples.

All reagents must be at least HPLC grade. For more information, consult the recommended materials.

Extraction solution A = 100% Methanol containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.

Extraction solution B = 0.1% Formic Acid in Water (LC-MS grade) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.

Extraction solution C = Methanol/Water (1:1) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.

Extraction solution D = Dichloromethane/methanol (3:1) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.

Extraction solution E = Chloroform/Methanol/Water (1:3:1 ratio) containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.

Extraction solution F = 80% Methanol containing one IS for positive mode and one for negative mode.