Animal and Human Tissue Safety and Preparation Precautions

⦁ Please be Careful when handling diseased samples.
⦁ Take care not to generate aerosols and ALWAYS wear protective clothing (lab coat, mask, googles, and gloves).
⦁ Perform all homogenization and extraction operations in an appropriate fume hood.
⦁ The timing of tissue collection for control and treatment groups should be randomized.
⦁ If rodents are the subject, do not use anesthesia, perform the sacrifice by cervical dislocation.
⦁ Tissue collection should be performed as fast as possible.
⦁ After collection, rinse tissues with ice cold PBS, blot with lint free tissue paper. ⦁ If possible, cut the tissue into 2 or 3 pieces, aliquot (in order to minimize freeze-thaw cycles) and immediately snap-freeze in LN2.
⦁ Store the samples at -80°C until analyzed and, if needed, all transportation should be carried out in dry ice. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES FOR LABELLING.