⦁ Please be Careful when handling diseased samples.
⦁ Take care not to generate aerosols and ALWAYS wear protective clothing (lab coat, mask, googles, and gloves).

Urine Procedures

Human Samples collected at home.

⦁ Provide the subject with 4 containers, 1 for collection (container A) and 3 others (containers B, C and D) for aliquots.

⦁ Give a written orientation to the subject explaining how to collect urine according to the clinical protocols previously defined (based on either a timed or 24 h collection period).

⦁ Instruct the patient to collect the urine into container A and immediately transfer aliquots into containers B, C and D and freeze immediately.

⦁ All transportation should be carried out in dry ice. If dry ice is not available, samples MUST BE transported in ice.

⦁ Upon arrival at the laboratory, store the samples at -80° C until analyzed. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES FOR LABELING. NOTE: ALL samples should undergo the same number of Freeze/Thaw cycles.

Human Samples collected at the laboratory

⦁ Provide a suitable and well labeled container for the subject.

⦁ After collection, make aliquots in 2 mL tubes previously labelled.

⦁ Store the samples at -80° C until analyzed and, if needed, all transportation should be carried out in dry ice. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES FOR LABELING.

Rodent Samples

⦁ Animals should be keep in individual metabolic cages during the entire experiment duration. This is important to minimize stress caused by environmental change.

⦁ Before beginning collection, clean the beds of all cages with nanopure water.

⦁ Place a container containing 0.5% solution of sodium azide in dry ice and add the urine that has been collected during the prescribeed time.

⦁ After collection is done, place aliquots into 2 mL tubes previously labeled.

⦁ Store the samples at -80° C until analyzed and, if needed, all transportation should be carried out in dry ice. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES FOR LABELING.