⦁ Please be Careful when handling diseased samples.
⦁ Take care not to generate aerosols and ALWAYS wear protective clothing (lab coat, mask, googles, and gloves).

Plasma Obtention Procedures

⦁ After blood collection as described before, transfer samples to a refrigerated centrifuge and spin the blood samples for 15 min at 2000 g at 4°C to move the blood cells to the bottom of the tube.

⦁ Open the tubes carefully to avoid disturbing the pellets or splashing of the blood.

⦁ Immediately transfer 500 µL aliquots of plasma (make at least 2 from each subject in order to have a backup sample for any potential repeat analyses) into new 2 mL labelled tubes (DO NOT USE COLORED TUBES) using a pipette with an appropriate filter tip (check options in Resources list).

⦁ Store the samples at -80°C until analyzed and, if needed, all transportation should be carried out in dry ice. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES FOR LABELLING.